Mannings Lane runs down the right hand side of the photograph and the junction of the M53, A55 Link Road and the A56 Warrington Road is at the bottom. The Greenfield Lane section of the A41 Ring Road runs across the rear of the Park & Ride site. The course of the old Mickle Trafford railway- marked in red- cuts diagonally across the picture and the approximate location where these words are being written is indicated by the red cross at the top! The material on this page pertaining to the planned Park
& Ride site will be extensively expanded as soon as time allows-
but we thought you'd be interested to know that a City council report
in September 2000 showed that, as the Chester Chronicle put it at the time, "Drivers in and around Chester are being
ripped off by Park and Ride- and that's official!" All of the land in the Green Belt to the right of that earmarked for the P & R has long been in the ownership of Tesco Ltd. Their self-interest was made clear in document PDC/jal (29th July 1996) which is, somewhat disingenuously, entitled: "Park and Ride at Hoole, Chester and the opportunities for further public transport improvements". (our italics) "As you may know, representations on the Draft Chester Local Plan have been made on behalf of Tesco in respect of land we own at Mannings Lane, Hoole. • Park and Ride for at least 1,000 cars At this stage we would like to present our proposals for discussion to the relevant City and County Councillors and their officers. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss our ideas with you and your colleagues and to explore ways in which the aspirations of Tesco and the City and County Councils can be achieved by working together in partnership". Philip Coles BSC (Hons) ARICS This letter was sent to County Councillors Collins, Cussons, Lloyd-Griffiths, Woodfall, Woodhouse and Leatherwood in addition to "the relevant City Councillors and Officers" and to Mr M Pitt, Chief Executive of Cheshire County Council. |