A Virtual Stroll Along the Mickle Trafford-Shotton Railway

heathfields close

heathfield closeAfter leaving the vicinity of Chester railway station, the line of the disused railway continues to run parallel with Brooke Lane, which you can see in the background. These modern houses are in Heathfields Close and are separated from the line merely by a low fence.

Would these residents prefer walkers and cyclists passing by their windows, such as those on the left, photographed in July 2000 on the newly-opened cycletrack- or the noise and vibration of buses passing by every few minutes?

Below, looking in the opposite direction, is the same area photographed a year later, in June 2002. A glance at the top view should make it clear what a great improvement in the area the arrival of the cycleway has brought about.

Site Front Door | Railway Stroll Introduction | Chester Station | Brook Lane & L'pool Road | Chester Walls Stroll