A Virtual Stroll Around the Walls of Chester

The Vanished Pubs of Chester Gallery

liver hotel
The former Liver Hotel (photographed by the author, February 2010)

liver hotel old picIn 2004, time was called on The Liver Hotel (no.110 Brook Street). We heard a rumour that the hotel next door was planning to extend into it but, a couple of years later, January 2006, nothing has been done and the place sadly remained closed.

In October 2006 the old pub's facade was suddenly covered in scaffolding and, by Spring 2007, the place was looking better than it had in years, having been superbly restored and relaunched as the Lloyd's of Chester Hotel. Over a decade later, Spring 2017, the place enjoyed a further facelift.

In 1910-1914 the licencee was Edward Embrey, in 1942 W Humphries, in the 1980s Gary Evans. Does anyone remember any more?

Much earlier, in the opening pages of his Stranger's Guide to Chester (1856) Thomas Hughes, adressing visitors arriving via the new-fangled railway, wrote of the Liver..

"Those carpet bags and cloaks, by the way, are but superfluous companions for a jaunt around the city. Suppose then, that we drop in at the Liver, a most respectable hotel within hail of the station, and there depositing our baggage in one of the cosy bedrooms of that establishment, we will sally forth upon our mission. After one night's sojourn at this house you'll know your hotel, we promise you, for all future time".

It is said that, in former times, beer was brewed on the premises, the water for which was drawn directly from a culverted stream, the Flookersbrook, that flowed- and doubtless continues to flow- beneath the building and from which Brook Street derives its name.

Do you have any more information about this old pub?

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