A Virtual Stroll Around the Walls of Chester

The Vanished Pubs of Chester Gallery

ormonde hotel today
The former Ormonde Arms Hotel (photographed by the author, February 2010)

The Ormonde Arms Hotel- no 126 Brook Street- closed as a pub in, we think, the 1950s and today trades as The Ormonde Guest House.

It was named after the first Duke of Westminster's favourite racehorse, who lived from 1883–1904. He was an English thoroughbred racehorse, an unbeaten Triple Crown winner, generally considered to be one of the greatest racehorses ever. He also won the Champion Stakes and the Hardwicke Stakes twice. At the time he was often labelled as the 'horse of the century'.

Ormonde was trained at Kingsclere by John Porter for the 1st Duke of Westminster. His regular jockeys were Fred Archer and Tom Cannon. After retiring from racing he suffered fertility problems, but still sired the top racehorse, Orme, who won the Eclipse Stakes twice. Go here to learn more about him.

The Ormonde's landlord in 1898 was Thomas Bayley, in 1902 the interestingly-named Saville Nice and in 1910-1914, James Darling, in 1934-5 W Delmage.

old pic of ormonde hotel

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