A Virtual Stroll Around the Walls of Chester

The Vanished Pubs of Chester Gallery

queen's arms

The Queen's Arms was located at nos 21 & 23 Brook Street. It was demolished when the Hoole Way section of the Inner Ring Road was constructed behind.

Its licencee in 1850-57 was Samuel Higginson, in 1880 James Higginson, in 1898 Alex. L McLaren, in 1902 Mrs Francis Chetham, in 1910 Oliver Ormrod, in 1914 Charles Price, in 1934-42 John Frederick Hill (see below).

In July 2009, Mrs Sian Woosnam wrote to ask for our assistance, "Hi, I am researching my family tree and have discovered that my Great Grandfather, John Frederick Hill, ran the Queen's Arms pub in Brook Street. I am hoping to get a photo of this pub and wondered if you could help me?"

We're happy to oblige and a larger version of this photograph has been sent to her and is now in our gallery. If anybody can provide further assistance, write to Sian here- and be sure to share your info with us too!

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